Produced: 2019
Genre: Drama / Thriller
Duration: 132 min
Director: Klim Shipenko
Main cast: Alexander Petrov, Kristina Asmus, Ivan Yankovskiy
The story centres around 27-year old Ilya Goryunov who, for his entire time in prison, has dreamt of confronting young drug squad of- ficer Pyotr Khazin: the reason he's behind bars. Long counting on his mother, girlfriend and best mate
waiting for him at home, on release Ilya finds the old life he had been yearning for is gone, for good. During his much-anticipated encounter with Pyotr, Ilya behaves rashly and gains access to his adversary's smartphone and, with it, his whole life: photos, videos, the messages to and from his parents and his girlfriend Nina, and to strange conversations with his fellow offic- ers, loaded with threats and insinuation. For a time, everyone thinks Ilya is Pyotr: all because of the text on a phone.