Detective Chirp and the Golden Beehive
SMF Animation Studio (Soyuzmultfilm) and Magic Factory present a new animated feature film - Detective Chirp & the Golden Beehive. It is an original story for the family audience, combining two popular genres – detective and comedy. The movie is based on the universe of the popular animated TV series The Secrets of Honey Hills and will introduce a colorful world filled with mysterious adventures, dynamic plot and charismatic heroes.
It's important to note that Detective Chirp & the Golden Beehive has become the first animated feature film in the world to be created on the game engine. Thanks to a unique pipeline of the Magic Factory studio that also includes advanced technologies such as motion capture, artificial intelligence, an innovative technical solution was made possible.
The film tells the story of mysterious events, that affected all of the citizens of the fabulous Honey Hills. Their favorite holiday - City Day was overshadowed by the theft of a unique artifact - the Golden Beehive. According to an ancient legend, its loss threatens the city with many misfortunes. At the same time, all the circumstances of the disappearance of the Golden Beehive point to Chirk, an assistant to the famous owl detective Sophie. The detectives will have to unravel this major case and not only restore justice, but also save the city from an impending threat.
Produced: 2022 Genre: cartoon Duration: 85 min Director: Grigiry Vozhakin Main Cast: Ivan Chaban, Alexander Oleshko, Mikhail Kshishtovsky